Towering over the second highest point of St. Martin’s Cathedral spire, Bratislava Castle, the landmark overlooking the Capital was built in the 9th Century. As an age long symbol of the city, it proudly stands on the bill above Danube river. Eleven kings and eight queens were crowned in this Bratislava Castle in the past. No wonder that the Castle is a popular part of the excursions through the city. First, Hungarian King Stephen I (11th Century) ruled over the empire from his seat inside the Castle. It remained unconquered during the Tartar raids (1241-1242) and protected Hungary against the attacks from the West. Also since Vienna is right around a corner, the Castle provided a protection for this city too, especially during Ottoman expansion in the 16th Century. In 1811 a fire broke out, and restoration was to start only in the 1950s. Serving briefly as seat of government for independent Slovakia in 1993, the castle today serves as museum and special events venue, notably as the site of the Bush-Putin summit in February 2005.