This magnificent huge red-stone mosque is visible even from a few kilometers away, thanks to the dominating architectural techniques used by Hoshang Shah who has sought encouragement to build this monument from the ‘Omayyed Mosque’ in Damascus, Syria. It took 49 years for its completion, unfortunately Hoshang Shah could not live till that time. It was completed under Mohammed Khilji. Despite its simplicity, it is considered to be the finest and largest examples of Afghan architecture in India.The Jami’ Masjid of Mandu is considered one of the finest of Afghan mosques built in India. It was begun by Hushang Shah Ghuri the second Muslim Sultan of Malwa (r.1405-1435), but was completed by his successor, Mahmud I Khalji (r.1436-1469), in 1454. Inspired by the Great Mosque of Damascus, though not a replica, similarities are found in the shape of the domes that resemble the false wooden domes found in Palestine and Syria.Based on a courtyard plan, it rises 16 feet (five meters) from ground level and has a square entrance portal attached to the east façade. The entrance portal is approached by a flight of 30 wide steps. The portal measures 44 feet 8 inches square and is crowned by a dome. The dome is framed in by a small cupola placed at each of the four corners of the square portal. The entrance is like a classical temple doorway with an equilateral arch superimposed in relief.The ground level of the east facade and the entrance portal has a running, six feet deep arc.